September 26, 2009 - The GRIAK U of Minnesota - Les Bolstad Golf Course
This was only my second opportunity to shoot The Griak! It is so amazing. Now, you know that I have a fondness for throwers, but that absence was made up for with a zillion runners. Last year I only made it to the Division I races. This year I got there first thing in the morning - shot the Division III races and the Division I races. (Pete's athletes are in D3.) I was so amazed by what seemed to be about a thousand runners in the first race. They just kept on coming. Lots of chances for different angles, lighting, etc. I felt sorry for the Division I folks though - those weather announcers lied. It was supposed to be cooler. Everyone was certainly glistening by the time they hit the finish line.
All in all, it was a gorgeous day and I was really proud of the runners and all of the helpers! Long Live Gopher Cross Country!
September 27, 2008 - The GRIAK - U of Mn
So, this was my very first Cross Country meet. I loved it. Easier to get close to the athletes for pictures, lots of chances to get family shots, REALLY friendly. A blue sky would have been better, but, as the athletes kept saying, "at least it did not rain." You guys were great at giving me pointers on where to stand, which way the runners would be coming, etc. Thanks for that.
Now, I think it should be some kind of a rule that no meet should include more than one team with a set of school colors. I don't want to admit how many pictures that I took of Arizona athletes....I don't think I posted any of them, other than this one →.
Oops....these are not Gophers! |