Chicago Marathon 10 - 10 - 10
This is a bit of a departure for me. Here I am shooting an event where there are no athletes wearing University of Minnesota uniforms. But there were over 500 folks running from the state of Minnesota and there were 45,000 runners in total. So, the odds were pretty high that among them were some University of Minnesota graduates. And, well, to tell the truth. The main reason I went was because it was our daughter's first marathon. As the child of 2 people, each of whom have 2 degrees from the U of M, she must get some credit as a gopher by birth.
I somehow feel bad that I managed to catch so few of the over 500 Minnesotans running. Then, I did some simple math. There were 45,000 runners. I took 2,000 photos - the odds are just against even possibly getting a huge percentage.
So, the following are shots of folks with Minnesota addresses on their registration statement, some group shots, a few big names and some color. Hope you enjoy them.